In this dire moment for Brazil, hope lives within the social movements on the frontlines of the pandemic. This campaign was created to allow people around the world to contribute with the struggle of the Indigenous, the quilombola (Black rural communities), the traditional rural communities and the impoverished urban neighbourhoods. These are the groups who have bravely resisted for centuries and who inspire us to keep fighting.
The pandemic exposed Bolsonaro's most perverse and genocidal side. We will not remain silent while the government destroys basic rights, the environment, basic services, people's dignity, democracy - and fundamentally - lives.
We call on people around the world, of all nationalities, languages and ethnicity to join this call for solidarity. Donate with whatever you can and share this campaign!
Where is the money going?
All the money raised (minus processing fees) will be distributed to the grassroots organizations supporting communities impacted by COVID-19:
• APIB - Network of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil
• CONAQ - National Coordination of the Network of Black Quilombola Rural Communities
• National Network of Traditional Peoples and Communities;
•Urban movements: 1) Sociedade do Bem Viver, 2) Uneafro, 3) MTST - Movement of the Homeless Workers and 4) Periferia Viva
How much is a $30 donation worth in each currency (estimated conversion rate): CAD$ 30 = R$ 118, EURO$ 30 = R$ 181 and USD$ 30 = R$ 160.
Who are we?
We are a group of Brazilians living abroad actively working for democracy, justice and social rights in Brazil. Organizers: Coletivo Brasil-Montréal (Canada), Coletivo Brasil-Québec (Canada), FIBRA (Frente Internacional de Brasileiros Contra o Golpe), Coletivo por um Brasil Democrático LA (US), Resiste Toronto (Canada), Coletivo Taoca (Zurich - Switzerland), and Coletivo Grito (Geneva - Switzerland).
The funds will be received by the Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL), an international solidarity organization based in Canada.
If you want to do more, help promote this campaign or sign up your collective, get in touch with us! Email: brazilsolidarity@gmail.com
Make donations here