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Justice for Miguel

Writer's picture: U.S. Network for Democracy in BrazilU.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil

Both the U.S and Brazil have seen, in the past few weeks, horrific developments in the systemic racism that kills black citizens routinely. As Brazilians still mourned the death of João Pedro, the assassination of George Floyd shocked the world and invoked protests all throughout the country.

Once again, however, a young black life is taken away in Brazil as the death of Miguel Otávio, 5 years old, who died due to the negligence of his mother's employer. As mainstream new vehicles refuse to reveal the name and face of the white woman who is responsible for Miguel's death, we invite you to think: would the same happen had the employer's son been killed by the negligence of the black employee?

Please join the U.S Network for Democracy in Brazil as we demand that Miguel's death is brought to justice. Let's speak out and demand #JustiçaPorMiguel. Our society must stop cutting short the lives of young Afro-Brazilians. #BlackLivesMatter, in Brazil, in the U.S and throughout the world. Those who are responsible for these deaths, from police officers to domestic employers, must face the appropriate consequences. Join us in signing the petition here



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