U.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil
National Conference 2021
Founded on December 1, 2018 at the Columbia Law School in New York City, the U.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil will hold its Third National Conference to discuss our work over the previous year and the tasks ahead. Join us on Friday, April 16, to hear a report on our activities and a keynote lecture by Paulo Abrão, former Executive Director of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States. On Saturday, April 17, we will have meetings of different Network Working Groups, hold Workshops on diverse topics, and conduct a General Meeting to plan future activities.
Friday Night Event, 4/16 @ 7:00-9:00pm EST
Open to all. Invite your friends, family and colleagues!
Please note that the Zoom Webinar will be capped at 100 participants. You can also watch the event stremaed live on our Facebook page
7:00 - 7:10 | Reports from the National Coordination
7:10 - 7:20 | Reports from the National Organizers
7:20 - 7:30 | Reports from the Washington Brazil Office
7:30 - 8:15 | Keynote Speaker
8:15 - 9:00 | Q&A
Working Group Meetings, 4/17 @ 12:30-2:00pm EST
For members and friends already involved with the USNDB.
Designed to organize members members around a specific topic for on-going activities through the USNDB.
Afro-Brazilian Rights
Coordinator: Gladys Mitchell-Walthour, mitchelg@uwm.edu
Coordinators: Myriam Marques, myriamsm@gmail.com; Mark Costa, mark.costa@yale.edu
Indigenous Rights
Coordinator: Tracy Devine Guzmán, tdguzman@miami.edu
Coordinators: Marcus Valerio, marcusvaleria@yahoo.com, Augusta de Oliveira,
Coordinators: Raimundo Barreto raimundo.barreto@ptsem.edu
Rural Movements
Coordinator: Gregory Morton, gmorton@bard.edu
Workshops Sessions: 4/17 @ 2:30-4:00pm EST
For members and friends already involved with the USNDB.
Designed to educate members of the Network on a topic that they might find interesting.
Congressional Advocacy
Coordinator: Juliana Moraes Pinheiro, jmoraesp@gmail.com
Digital Security Training
Coordinator: Defend Democracy in Brazil, ndcampos@gmail.com
Labor Solidarity
Coordinator: Stanley Gacek sgacek@ufcw.org, Jana Silverman janaks95@yahoo.com
Media Advocacy
Coordinators: Ana Alakija ana.alakija@gmail.com, Myriam Marques, myriamsm@gmail.com
Stop Deforestation and Land Grabs
Coordinator: Maria Luisa Mendonça, marialuisam222@gmail.com
General Meeting: 4/17 @ 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Open to all USNDB members!
The General Meeting will be an opportunity for members of the U.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil to discuss ideas and plans for the coming year. We hope to have an open debate about the strategies and the direction of the Network as Brazil continues to confront Covid-19, an economic crisis, and the complex politics of the upcoming electoral year.